In Mark 16:3-4, the disciples of Jesus were tasked with anointing the body of the Master. And as they walked along, they talked among themselves; Who will roll away the stone from the tomb? They knew that with the huge stone across the mouth of the tomb still in place, their intention to anoint the LORD’S body though noble would suffer some major setbacks. And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great. (Mark 16:3-4)
The example of Jesus’ disciples reminds us that no venture, no success, and many people never become anything in life because they give up too early in the race. We often have great plans that we lack ideas as to how to make happen. Many of our lives are filled with many beautiful dreams that we lack the capacity to immediately interpret. How would these disciples ever have known that the huge stone they had feared was going to be a hindrance had been rolled away if they never got to the tomb?
The clear message here is that God is ALWAYS doing miracles but it takes the man who gets to the site of the miracle to see them. We cannot sit hopelessly at home and expect to walk in testimonies.
For the lepers in 2Kings 7, they had to make that risky but critical decision to go to the camp of the enemy. The City had been shut up for days unending for fear of the Assyrian army. Now these four apparently weak and beggarly lepers must activate the power of Heaven through their steps of faith. They must first trample upon their fears if God was to go ahead of them. Their footsteps may have been weak and feeble but certainly not their faith. This is a major lesson we all must learn: when we are weak and our faith is strong, God moves in ways that are simply indescribable. It was nothing but the footsteps of four weak lepers; yet God working through those feeble footsteps caused the enemies to hear the noise of multitude of chariots and horses and to take to their heels. This is exactly how God works many times: when we ignore our excuses and take those seemingly unreasonable steps that are soaked in faith, God amplifies our efforts. But when we sit hands folded and refuse to take a step, we get nothing.
As the lepers approached and came into the camp of their dreaded enemies, they were greeted by a surprise that was too wonderful to be true. The heavily armed and well equipped army of the Assyrians had all ran away. The LORD had caused them to hear a terrifying noise. Again, as they looked, they saw that the LORD had gone ahead of them.
It is extremely rewarding when we keep hope alive to the very end. Men may label us as whatever they may, but just when they think we are down and out, God comes to us with the miracle of laughter, just as He did with Sarah (Genesis 21:1-7) and Elizabeth (Luke 1:36-57). One can only imagine the excitement in Mary when the Angel Gabriel broke the good news that the one every one had concluded as barren had been visited by the LORD.
This season, God says He will give us wonderful surprises, which is sufficient to launch our souls into new heights of excitement and glorious expectations. Many things will happen in your life that even you would find hard to believe, and it seems to be a season of unanticipated miracles.
Remain blessed
Pastor Jerry Orhue
Senior Pastor, Gracevine Chapel
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