When you think about the story of the children of Israel, it’s really amazing. Imagine this: they were completely stuck. In front of them, there was a massive sea stretching for thousands of kilometers, and behind them, they had the Pharaoh and his army, who were upset and chasing after them. It looked like they were out of luck and had nowhere to go.
However, it wasn’t just luck that had helped them get that far. It was actually God, who is all-powerful and never runs out of strength. If the Israelites had remembered that, they wouldn’t have been so worried.
God already knew that the Red Sea would block their path, and that the Egyptians would chase them. He also knew that the Israelites would feel trapped. But God had a plan. He wanted to show them what He meant when He told Moses, “I Am that I Am.” This meant that He is a God who can make a way where there seems to be no way, a God for whom nothing is impossible.
As believers, we should see difficult situations as opportunities. Tough times give God a chance to show His power in our lives. No matter how hard or impossible a situation might seem, God can handle it. So, whenever you find yourself in a tough spot, feeling like everything is going against you, just call on God. Trust in Him because He will always find a way, even when it seems there is no way.