God can restore everything that life has taken from us. While He may not always give us exactly what we want, He will provide what is best for us. Even when we face consequences due to disobedience, if we turn back to Him with a repentant heart, He will restore us to a place of blessing.
We might worry about the time we’ve wasted, the opportunities we’ve missed, or the mistakes we’ve made. It’s easy to feel like we’ ve fallen so low that there’s no hope left. But no matter how far we think we’ve fallen, there is always hope. God’s reach is never too short to save, and He hears our cries for help.
When we come to Him in repentance, just as the Prodigal Son was welcomed back by his father, God is ready to restore us fully. He is a God of restoration, and we can approach Him with confidence, knowing that He is always ready to redeem and bless us.