One true mark of a Christian lies in their capacity to forgive those who have wronged them, resisting the temptation to repay evil with evil. Jesus Christ exemplified this on the cross, uttering the profound words, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Despite having the power to invoke divine retribution, Jesus chose mercy, epitomizing the essence of genuine Christianity.
It goes without saying that during our time here on earth, we will encounter people that will offend us without having justifiable reasons to do so. But as Christians, embracing forgiveness becomes paramount in such situations. We must understand that our forgiveness does not have an expiry date; which was what Jesus was trying to depict to us. Because God does not give us a limitation on the forgiveness of our sins, we too must not limit our forgiveness to the ones who hurt or offend us.
Just like Joseph and Esau forgave their brothers for the wrong they did to them, so also must we forgive those who offend us no matter how grave the offense. This is the character we are called to emulate as christians. Just as Christ forgives us unconditionally, we too are enjoined to extend that same forgiveness, mirroring the boundless grace and love of God to those around us. Hallelujah!