The Greatness of God


Throughout history, God has consistently demonstrated His glory, honor, majesty, and ability to perform extraordinary deeds. His power is limitless, and His wisdom is boundless.

Our finite minds can only scratch the surface of what we can know about Him. Just when we think we understand Him deeply, He gently shows us another aspect of Himself that was previously unknown.
When Moses asked him to introduce Himself, he simply replied, “I AM.” This is an infinite God. By introducing Himself as “I AM…”, He invites us to fill in the blank spaces according to our needs and to the extent that our faith in Him allows. I AM whatever you have the capacity to believe that I AM. This is the reality of the God we have come to believe in; He is everything that our faith sees Him as, and can do everything that our faith can believe for.

The more we learn about Him, the more we realize how much we still don’t know. He is self-existing, self-sustaining and self-actualizing. He never wears down nor is tired out. He holds the universe in His hands, and at His command everything falls into their proper order. By His command, the oceans remain within their boundaries and the sky never exceeds its limits. The sun, moon, and stars follow precise paths with a harmony that only a God of absolute perfection could have preordained.

He is the ultimate authority, and His counsel is unquestionable. He is the source of all life and the essence of life itself. Opposing Him means opposing life itself, and rejecting His advice leads to destruction and complete annihilation. In Psalms 9:17, it is clear that a nation that forgets God will be turned into hell.

The remains of Egypt speak of His previous deeds, the works of His glorious right hand; and the relics of the tower of Babel reminds us that nothing works if God is opposed to it. Before Him, Dagon, the god of the Philistines was dashed into pieces, for none else stands in His presence (1 Samuel 5:1-5). At the brightness of His glory, all men hide their faces, and by the breath of His nostril, those who oppose His counsel are slain. Through the plagues in Egypt, He executed judgement against all their gods, demonstrating that besides Him, there is none else (Isaiah 45:6). He saved His people from the bondage of Egypt; He showed that nothing gets too bad that cannot be made good again, nor too wrong that cannot be made right.

He is too faithful to fail, and it is never His nature to leave unfinished whatever He starts or to abandon the word of His promise and covenant. Times may change, but never does His faithfulness and avowed commitment to His people change, for they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

The changing times and seasons only reinforce His unchanging nature and the reliability of His promise (Hebrews 6:18). God is sovereign, He owes no man no explanation. He is all powerful and has all things firmly under control, not some of the time, but all of the time. One moment, we are hard-pressed on every side as if between the devil and the deep blue sea (2 Corinthians 4:8-10). And the next moment, we are singing songs of victory

God is awesome in every respect. His deeds are both glorious and fearful and there is no limit to His power. He is the God of uncommon transformation. Out of gross darkness, He brings forth dazzling light, and from the elements that men call impossible, He begets a testimony. He is no respecter of time or space, because they are but the works of His hands. We may be limited in our ability to believe, but God is never limited in His ability to perform. Our hearts may fail us but the hand of the Almighty is ever steady, ready and able to deliver (Psalms 61:2)

Beloved, this same great God promises to show up on our behalf even in this season. Prayers that may have appeared unanswered shall suddenly break forth with uncommon results. Light is springing out of darkness, long-standing captivities are all coming to their sudden ends and whatever went out of order is coming back into order. And all these are, because God is revealing His greatness to His people.

Pastor Jerry Orhue,
Senior Pastor,
Gracevine Chapel,

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