While studying the Bible recently, I stumbled upon something that had previously escaped my attention. In Matthew 19:16-26. A rich young ruler humbly kneels before Jesus and respectfully ask, “Master, what must I do in order to receive the gift of eternal life?” Jesus responds, “You should obey the commandments.” The young ruler then asks, “Which specific commandments are you referring to?”
Now, one might assume that Jesus would simply recite the Ten Commandments and conclude the matter. He did not. He selected a few out of the ten commandments, and surprisingly, He completely omitted the first four commandments: “You shall have no other gods before me,” “You shall not make for yourself a graven image,” and “You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain.” He did not even mention the importance of observing and keeping the Sabbath day holy.
Which commandments did Jesus select from the ten commandments? The commandments are as follows: refrain from taking someone’s life, refrain from engaging in adultery, refrain from stealing, refrain from spreading false information about others, show respect and gratitude towards your parents, and additionally, love your neighbor in the same way you love yourself.”
What is the commonality among all of these things? Each of these aspects pertains to the way we interact and behave towards one another. The fundamental aspect of each of these is the quality of selflessness.
And to the rich young ruler, Jesus said, if you desire to attain perfection, I urge you to sell your possessions, generously donate the proceeds to those in need, and then follow me.
The young ruler was unable to do that task and decided to walk away. I believe many of us engage in that kind of behaviour.
The first three commandments of the Ten Commandments can be summarized as follows: release your attachment to the things that you perceive as defining your identity, and instead, choose to follow the LORD your God.
Selflessness is the prerequisite for becoming a follower of Christ. One wise teacher once shared the insightful phrase, “When there is no self, there is no problem.” Conflicts with others often arise when our wishes and desires are not being fulfilled. The solution, undoubtedly, lies in relinquishing our wishes and desires. The absence of a sense of self does not pose any issues.
There are many passages in the New Testament that discuss this. If anyone desires to follow me, they must first deny themselves, take up their cross, and then proceed to follow me. Whoever chooses to save his life will ultimately lose it, but those who are willing to lose their lives for my sake and the gospel’s will find true salvation.
God is not selfish, which means that He is not wrathful, angry, or vengeful. He consistently embodies the qualities of peace, compassion, love, and kindness. The presence of those characteristics is indicative of God’s involvement. Wherever these are found, God, certainly is involved. When we experience fear, anger, jealousy, or a desire for revenge, we are not acting in alignment with our true essence, which is our divine image, the image of our Creator.
The journey of following Christ entails a gradual process of releasing our selfish desires, little by little. It is possible that we may have developed addictions to certain things that are impeding our progress or reducing our spiritual strength (Psalms 31:10, Galatians 5: 19-21). We may be excessively consuming negative content instead of engaging with activities that promote our spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being (Romans 12:2).
We must learn to put these aside on a daily basis and engage in activities that are far removed from our usual fleshly routines. Imagine if we incorporate prayer or meditation into our daily routine as a means of connecting with God and edifying our spirit. Taking a few minutes each day to engage in these practices can help foster a habit of seeking spiritual guidance. It doesn’t take much to begin, but a little can become a lot. Gaining spirituality entails a continuous process rather than a singular, isolated event.
Beloved, the kingdom of heaven is present in our lives, both internally and externally. However, we often fail to recognize it because we are preoccupied with searching for other things. Let’s remember the timeless admonition of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: “Seek first the kingdom.” I believe that removing the selfishness within us would allow us to perceive and receive the omnipresent Kingdom of our omnipresent God. This, in my opinion is the essence of christian spirituality.
Remain Blessed,
Pastor Jerry Orhue