Naaman was a powerful and respected warrior who took pride in his status. He wasn’t happy that Prophet Elisha didn’t see him to welcome him but instead sent a messenger to him. To worsen the case, he was told to wash in the dirtiest river to be cleansed of his leprosy. Naaman, due to pride, wanted to walk away from this great opportunity to be healed. Thankfully, he yielded to the persistence of the slave girl. It wasn’t a case of not being desperate to be healed but the pride in him clouded his thinking and thoughts. He didn’t receive the respect and welcome he was accustomed to and almost gave up on his blessing.
God works in mysterious ways to perform His wonders! He has a way of challenging our thoughts, our pride, and our regular way of thinking about Him and His ways. As Christians, pride shows up in many ways. When we think that we are better than others for whatever reason or that certain tasks are beneath us or that everyone should treat us the way we deserve to be treated, we may just be hindering our blessings from God. God is constantly resisting the proud but bestowing great grace on the humble daily. This week, may we receive restoration, lifting, and harvest as we walk the path of humility and obedience.