
It is absolutely important that we prioritize and dedicate ourselves to the one thing that is needful: developing a deep and intimate relationship with God. It is impossible to truly know God and understand His ways when we follow from afar.
The primary call of God upon our lives is that we might be with Him (Markn3:13-14). Intimacy with LORD is an indispensable necessity if we are to have a  faith-filled and fruitful walk with Him.
A good number of us have a limited and flawed knowledge of God, largely because we rely on secondhand information and experiences of others. God wants us to know Him for ourselves. He does not want us to see Him through the lenses of others but to be dutiful in verifying from scriptures and through intimate relationship with Him whatever we are taught about Him, no matter  who our teacher is.
The believers in Berea were commended for their noble character in comparison to other Christians.They eagerly received the message and thoroughly examined the Scriptures to see if those things taught by Paul were so (Act 17:11)
The man or woman who thoroughly studies the scriptures will save himself or herself from the danger of falling prey to false doctrines.
 Pastor Jerry Orhue

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