The proof that we are expecting something great is that we prepare enough room to receive it. In Isaiah 54:2, the Lord instructs all who hope for growth to stretch forth their curtains and enlarge the place of their tents, just as one would enlarge a tent to accommodate more people.
While stretching can be uncomfortable and challenging, it is necessary for the reward of faith.
Stretching our faith often means venturing into unfamiliar territories and taking risks. It may entail stepping out of our comfort zones and into new operational spheres. Just like Peter, who dared to walk on water to meet Jesus in the midst of a storm, we must be willing to take bold steps of faith. Before we can actually do something impossible, we must first see ourselves accomplishing it. Just as Peter saw himself walking on water to meet Jesus, we must envision ourselves succeeding in the face of challenges. Our positive imagination must override our doubts and fears. Only then will we have the courage to step out and do things we never thought possible.
There are dimensions of God’s revelation that we can only receive in the stretch. Just as the disciples faced a storm in the boat, God used that circumstance to reveal more of who Jesus is to them. Similarly, when we embrace the stretch, we open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of God’s nature, faithfulness, power, and love. Saying “yes, Lord” to the stretch is an invitation for God to reveal more of Himself to us.
A God-sized stretch requires faith because it goes beyond what is naturally possible. It is through faith that we can accomplish what God calls us to do. Each time our faith is stretched, we experience growth and become capable of doing things we once thought were impossible.
Like a stretched rubber band, we cannot go back to our former condition once we have been stretched. It becomes our new normal.
There is always a reward when we step out of our comfort zones and into the obedience zone. God frequently presents us with challenges to strengthen our faith and stretch us. Many times, we limit ourselves by staying within our comfort zones, missing out on the growth and experiences that come from stretching our faith. It may be inconvenient and uncomfortable, but it is necessary for our spiritual development.
We should never be afraid to say ‘yes’ to the stretch, because there is grace in it. Even when we falter and doubt, Jesus is there to catch us and lift us up. He encourages us to keep going and stay on track. His grace is always available to us, no matter how many times we stumble. So let us stretch forth our curtains and enlarge the place of our tents, for there is great reward in the stretch.
Remain blessed
Pastor Jerry Orhue
Senior Pastor, Gracevine Chapel