Beyond the victory that it won for us, the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and the agony that heralded it depict the magnanimity of the Christ in victory. The events following the resurrection show clearly how the LORD shared the sweetness of his victory with those who, just days before, had abandoned him to face it all alone, Now, risen from the grave, he would have his disciples meet with him in a particular location for what would be the victory party. Now that the victory had been won, it no longer mattered who stood with him to the end or who ran away. All who were willing to come were welcome to the sharing of the ‘booty’.
As we live daily in the reality of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us remember to be kind to all those who may have abandoned us in our hour of need.
The larger life is one that looks beyond the hurts and misdeeds done to it, to find grace to share the love of God and the joy of victory even with those who are undeserving. Let us be careful not to hold men to their weaknesses and guilt. We must like Jesus, realize that in the frail and timid apostles of today lies the strength of the church tomorrow. We should never give up on anyone too easily no matter how far low they may have descended. Good morning, and have a splendid week ahead.