Pulling Down Strongholds

In ancient times, a stronghold was commonly referred to a fortified structure, such as a fortress or walled city, where people sought refuge to protect themselves from adversaries. One notable example is the ancient Wall of Jericho.

The city of Jericho became renowned for its extraordinary walls. According to historical records, it is well-documented that the area was encompassed by two impressive stone walls. The outer wall had a height of 20 feet and a thickness of 6 feet. The inner wall had a thickness of 12 feet and a height of 30 feet. Between the two walls, there was a securely guarded walkway that spanned a width of 15 feet. From a military perspective, it was widely regarded as virtually invincible. The impressive walled city posed a significant challenge for the people of Israel as they strived to achieve everything that God had planned for them. In order to progress into the land of Canaan, it was crucial to pull down those walls.

The ancient walls symbolizes the fundamental aspects in our lives that hinder our spiritual development and obstruct our relationship with God. No matter how dedicated we think we are, there are certain aspects of our lives that can impede our spiritual journeys with the LORD.

Strongholds can manifest in various ways, such as living in a web of deceit, experiencing excessive anxiety, dealing with intrusive thoughts, having persistent unhealthy cravings, feeling paranoid, experiencing certain physical ailments, carrying a sense of internal burden, or feeling oppressed. Their sole intention is to inflict harm, harass, burden, and unsettle. In order to fully embrace the blessings that God has prepared for us, it is crucial to pull down any strongholds that could impede our progress.

Interestingly, strongholds are constructed and maintained by a wrong belief system, a set of lies harbored in our hearts that we have come to believe as true. They represent Satan’s hiding place in our lives, from when he manipulates and torments with negative thoughts that are completely at variance with the will of God for us.

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, The apostle Paul perceives strongholds as thoughts or lofty things that are erected in opposition to the knowledge of God. It refers to any form of thinking that places itself above the knowledge of God, providing the devil with a secure foothold in an individual’s mind.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;_

In essence, this scripture is instructing us to take every thought captive – to trap, seize, control, secure, and conquer. (2 Corinthians 10:5). This means that we have the responsibility to address any thought that are displeasing to God or contrary to His will before they take root in our hearts and become ingrained within us!

When the Lord instructs us to “pull down strongholds,” He is referring to specific areas in our lives that have become firmly established, and where the devil tends to reside. As mentioned earlier, one common location where the devil frequently resides is within the lies that we have unknowingly accepted as truth.

Sadly in today’s world, there are a great number of people who find more attraction to lies rather than the truth. Today, man has become blind to the real issues. We neglect the real enemies and instead, spend valuable time firing at wrong targets.

Strongholds are a sad reality that has messed up the lives of many, destroy relationships, and hamper our walk with God. When we give in to the lies of the devil, they gradually influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Truth is the only power that has the ability to overcome falsehood. Those who consistently refuse to accept the truth will eventually find themselves embracing falsehoods. God wants every one of us to have a mind that is victorious and free. True freedom can only be attained when we have held our captor captive. Only a shift in power can allow for the realization of freedom.

The Bible is replete with people who themselves were victims of strongholds and who attained unto freedom through the grace of God. The man, Moses was one such example. He had for many years ran away from Egypt and from Pharaoh. He had repeatedly questioned his ability to confront Pharaoh even when God was commissioning Him to do so.
Why would God choose to send a man who was fleeing Pharaoh to go back and confront Pharaoh? God was trying to help Moses overcome his fears and dismantle the strongholds built in his mind over the years. In doing this, God was restoring Moses’s confidence both in himself and in God. We all have experienced situations in which God continues to allow to come our ways, the precise obstacles or fears we try so hard to run away from. The devil’s ultimate purpose is to rob us of our confidence and belief in your ability to succeed. And it is the business of God to restore confidence to us. So, He puts us in situations where we repeatedly encounter the things we were once very scared of, gives us victory time and again until those things no longer have any power over you.

Gideon is set forth in Judges 6:12-16, as one who lacked the ability to acknowledge his own strength until he received a message from the Lord. Here was a mighty man of valour in so far as God was concerned but who had believed so many lies that he couldn’t see himself beyond a weakling.

It is possible to have all that we need to succeed and still be afraid of failing. Saul, who was known for his imposing stature, he had been anointed by no less a prophet than Samuel himself. He seemed fully equipped by God for his new role as the first king over Israel, yet as mentioned in 1 Samuel 10:1, 20-24, he was found hiding, among hay sacks. We hide, not necessarily because we are lacking the requisite abilities or qualities, but because we have been deceived into believing that we lack them. It is possible to feel empty, even when indeed we are full and have all things.

In order to address the strongholds in our lives, it is important that we first identify those strongholds, concealing none. We must ensure that we are intentional and deliberate in moving against those things we were once afraid of. This is because, the challenges that we are afraid of confronting are the ones we will never overcome.

Pastor Jerry Orhue
Senior Pastor, Gracevine Chapel

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