The phrase “call forth” holds significant meaning in our spiritual walk with God. It is an act of summoning or evoking something through our words and faith. Just as God spoke things into existence, we too are empowered to speak in alignment with His promises. It is a privilege to be able to tap into the creative energy of God and bring our desires into existence through the power of our words.
As sons and daughters of God (Psalms 82:6 and John 10:34), we have been given the authority to speak things into existence. Even when circumstances seem contrary, we can boldly declare in alignment with God’s promises, just as Abraham and Sarah did. When God called Abraham, he was childless and known as Abram. However, God referred to him as the “Father of Multitudes.” Abraham and Sarah chose to come into agreement with this word, speaking forth the name “Abraham” as if he were already the father of many nations. Their faith-filled words aligned with God’s promise, and eventually, Isaac was born, fulfilling that calling.
God has bestowed upon us the same power He used to create the universe. Just as He spoke and it was, we too can speak and see our desires come to pass. However, we must have unwavering faith and confidence in our words to fully embrace this power. Doubt and unbelief can hinder the manifestation of our desires. Therefore, we must clear our channels of any negativity and declare our desires with boldness and certainty.
Consistency is also crucial in the realm of creative words. We cannot say one thing today and then doubt or retract our words tomorrow. We must remain steadfast in our convictions and continue to declare our desires, even in the face of obstacles or setbacks. It is through consistent and purposeful communication of our desires that we release God’s creative power. When we speak, we must be clear and specific. Our words should leave no room for doubt or confusion.
It is important to remember that the ability to call things forth by faith is not about manipulating or controlling outcomes. It is about aligning our desires with God’s will and trusting Him to bring them to pass according to His perfect will.
Remain Blessed
Pastor Jerry Orhue
Senior Pastor, Gracevine Chapel