New Beginning

Each New Year brings with it all sorts of good intentions for changing this or that in our lives. We resolve to eat healthier, save more money, exercise, take up a new hobby, get rid of a bad habit… the list goes on and on. But why?
Why do we make these resolutions? Because we want to be better, that’s why. We see the beginning of each year as a chance to start fresh.
Sadly though, only very few people who make these resolutions actually keep them. The reasons for slacking off vary, but basically it all boils down to a lack of commitment.
Any day we choose to start over is a day God will grant us a new beginning, but because we are starting a New Year, let us make the start of 2024 the start of an even closer, more intimate relationship with God. It can be if we allow the Word of God to sink in and keep us focused on making this new beginning a genuine start to a new and better version of ourselves. Happy New Year!

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