TGIM – Grace To Defeat Every

From the story of David and Goliath, it is clear that the God we serve is capable of defeating any of the giants in our lives—fear, depression, financial issues, doubts of faith—if we know Him and His nature well enough to step out in faith. We have to trust Him. However, we can’t trust someone we don’t know, so knowing God through His Word will build our faith in Him.

David’s faith was borne out of his experience of God’s grace and mercy in his life. The Lord had delivered him out of dangerous situations in the past, proving His power and trustworthiness, so it was easy for David to rely on God to deliver him from Goliath, the Philistine.

As Christians, our battle with the giants in our lives will result in victory if we cling by faith to God and the power in His word.

The illustration of David and Goliath is only one of many examples of the supernatural power of our Lord. He cares deeply for His children and wants only our best. Sometimes that involves trials and battles, but these are ultimately for our good and His glory. James tells us to consider it pure joy when we encounter trials because they test our faith and develop patience and perseverance. This week, by faith in the power of God’s word, we receive grace to defeat every giant that comes our way.

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