It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed. (Lamentations 3:22)

God’s mercy and grace are a precious gift that believers rely on for salvation, protection, and guidance. No matter how righteous we may think we are, only God’s mercies and grace can keep us. We are all imperfect and deserving of God’s wrath, but it is His mercy that suspends judgment and turns away His wrath. We must humbly approach God for help, knowing that without His mercies, we live in misery. As believers, we are safe and secure under the shadow of God’s protection. Even in the midst of battles, His mercies preserve us. He instructs us in the right way and chastises us with grace.

Wisdom teaches us to come to Him just as we are, so that He can cleanse us with His mercy and cover us with His glory.

When we choose to run away from God due to our sins and imperfections, we forfeit the mercies that could have been ours. Life becomes a burden when we despise the riches of His mercies, but when we approach His throne in our filthy and sin-stained garments, He graciously showers us with His goodness. He desires mercy and not judgment, and His desire is to have pity on the sons of men and to save those who are weak and needy among men.

God’s love and mercy are boundless, and none of our ills are beyond the ocean of His mercies (Psalm 103:8-12). He watches over us tenderly and lovingly, even counting every hair on our heads and ensuring that none falls without His notice. With over 7 billion people on earth to look after, He pays the closest attention to each and every one of us as the unique individuals He has made us to be.

To dwell in God’s mercies, we must also be full of mercy towards others. The Bible teaches that those who have been unmerciful will face judgment without mercy. To obtain mercy, we must first be adjudged by God as merciful. Our lives should reflect God’s mercies, forgiving the guilty and helping the helpless. We should bless those who persecute us, empathize with those who are suffering, assist the poor, refrain from seeking revenge, and show kindness to our enemies. It is important to pray for a heart filled with mercy and to strive to love others, even in difficult times. God wants us to approach him humbly so that we can receive mercy.

Beloved, it is impossible to approach God’s mercy seat with our hearts full of judgment and our lips calling for vengeance. God wants us to drop our arrogance and humbly approach His throne of grace {Hebrew 4:16), so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Remain blessed
Pastor Jerry Orhue
Senior Pastor, Gracevine Chapel

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