Perhaps you have come to royal position for such a time as this!” Esther 4:14
One reason Esther was in the palace at this time as queen, was for this very mission to save her people by interceding for them. She was not there by accident. We know the singular providences by which she came to her circumstances.
We live under the same providence, and nothing is ‘accidental’ in any of the circumstances of our lives. If we are true to God, doing His will day by day, we are always in the place where He wants us to be; and wherever we are He has something for us to do there. Each day God sets our work for us. When we find ourselves in the presence of any human need or sorrow, we should say, “Perhaps God sent me here just now to bring relief or to give help or comfort.” Sometimes we wonder at the strange ways of God’s providence, by which we are carried into this place or that circumstance; is there not a ‘key’ to this mystery?
It certainly was a strange providence that led Esther the lowly, simple-hearted Jewish maiden, into the palace of the great Xerxes to be his queen; but there was a divine purpose in it. She was sent there because she would be needed there by and by.
Likewise, when God, by some strange providence, brings us into peculiar circumstances or associations, it is because at some time there will be need for us there. We must be careful that we do always the thing, we find there to do.
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
God has impeccable timing—He is not last-minute. If you are in an uncertain moment, you can look to God who will give you wisdom for the next steps. Your times are in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15).
You are not a day late. Every moment—even in the daily routines and harsh disappointments of life—God is building something into your core, building resilience into your system, teaching you things you didn’t know before.
Your times are in God’s hands, and just as He did for Esther when it was her time to step up, He will establish your steps too (Psalm 31:15; Psalm 37:23). As you seek and pursue Him, you can trust that He will bring order to seemingly random events in your life. God’s timing is always perfect and as you rely on Him, He is going to get you where you need to be when you need to be there.
God, I thank You that my times are in Your hands, that my steps are ordered by You and I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. I thank You that I have been born for just this time. Stir my heart toward Your purposes. Help my prayer life to be more effective. Use me to make a difference and to have impact, for healing to flow, lives to change, and courage to come. Fill me now with the power of Your Holy Spirit. Order my steps. Thank You, Jesus, that signs and wonders will follow my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Stay Blessed,
Pastor Jerry Orhue