But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you and keep you from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
What a great word of prophecy God has for us in this season! He says he will establish us. Establishment implies being deeply rooted or firmly planted. It means to be steady, steadfast, and unshaken. It means to live a life that is far from being governed by prevailing circumstances. This is heartwarming and confidence-building, as God has truly gone ahead of us, freeing us from our own limitations. He will keep us from all evil by Himself, removing all barriers and smashing every restraining gate. He is going ahead of us to deal with every opponent just before we arrive at the scene. His duty is to level the mountain, take down the gates, and smash the iron bars to pieces.
Beloved, God wants us to live every day of this season with confidence that He has gone ahead of us. He wants our hearts to be firmly established in this truth, taking our roots deeply so we can bear good fruit upward. We will flourish and prosper as we submit ourselves to the LORD’s courts for planting. Those who are so planted defy seasons and times, even in old age, and still bring forth bountifully.
However, we must avoid the temptation to be here and there. God wants us to be focused and deliberate in all that we do, dealing with distractions and keeping our eyes single. This means taking deliberate steps to pursue purposeful actions both inside and outside of the church. This season offers us an opportunity to rediscover both purpose and potential, focusing only on those things that truly matter to our destiny.
Living our lives in this manner transforms us into unmovable Mount Zion. Our hearts safely trust in the LORD even when our heads fail to understand (Proverbs 3:5). In this realm of operation, we live beyond and above circumstances and situations, knowing that God’s lovingkindness will never be removed from us or His covenant of peace with us will never be shaken (Isaiah 54:10; NASB).
God’s promise to never leave us serves as a reminder. Our successes and victories in life are not temporary but deeply rooted phenomena that will outlast all challenges. We are established as plantings of the LORD, and through the blood of Jesus, we have become God’s choice. This is our glorious hope, as in our unworthiness, God declares us worthy and mighty men of valour. Our lives defy natural tendencies and are of a higher order, so we do not respond to the elements of this world. We are unshaken and immovable because God is in our midst. Our peace is not a fickle, momentary surge of confidence, but an eternal decree of the Almighty. It is vital for us to keep faith in God and know deep within our souls that nothing in all of creation can alter God’s good and eternal purpose concerning us.
Beloved, we are certain that things will go well for us this season because God has promised His presence will never leave us. We should focus on what God has promised to do for us rather than our own abilities. Our successes and victories in life are not temporary experiences, but deep-rooted phenomena that will last for all times and outlast all challenges.
Pastor Jerry Orhue
Senior Pastor, Gracevine Chapel